home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- *PPD-Adobe: "4.2"
- *% Adobe Systems PostScript(R) Printer Description File
- *% Copyright 1987-1992 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- *% Copyright 1993-1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
- *% All Rights Reserved.
- *% PPD Version for Windows
- *% =============================
- *% Product/PPD Information
- *% =============================
- *FormatVersion: "4.2"
- *FileVersion: "2.1"
- *LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
- *LanguageVersion: German
- *PCFileName: "HPCLJ5X9.PPD"
- *Product: "(HP ColorLaserJet 5/5M)"
- *ModelName: "HP ColorLaserJet 5/5M PS 9X"
- *NickName: "HP ColorLaserJet 5/5M PS 9X"
- *ShortNickName: "HP Color LaserJet 5/5M PS 9X"
- *PSVersion: "(2015.104) 4"
- *% =========== Device Capabilities ===============
- *LanguageLevel: "2"
- *FreeVM: "4000000"
- *VMOption 36Meg/36 - 43 MB RAM: "4000000"
- *VMOption 44Meg/44 - 51 MB RAM: "12320000"
- *VMOption 52Meg/52 - 59 MB RAM: "20640000"
- *VMOption 60Meg/60 - 67 MB RAM: "28960000"
- *VMOption 68Meg/>= 68 MB RAM: "37280000"
- *ColorDevice: True
- *DefaultColorSpace: RGB
- *TTRasterizer: Type42
- *FileSystem: False
- *Throughput: "10"
- *% =================================
- *% Installable Options
- *% =================================
- *OpenGroup: InstallableOptions/Options Installed
- *OpenUI *Option1/Hintere Zufuhr: Boolean
- *DefaultOption1: False
- *Option1 True/Installiert: ""
- *Option1 False/Nicht installiert: ""
- *?Option1: "
- save
- currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get
- 1 get
- null eq
- {(False)}{(True)}ifelse = flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *Option1
- *OpenUI *InstalledMemory/Speicherkonfiguration: PickOne
- *DefaultInstalledMemory: 36Meg
- *InstalledMemory 36Meg/36 - 43 MB RAM: ""
- *InstalledMemory 44Meg/44 - 51 MB RAM: ""
- *InstalledMemory 52Meg/52 - 59 MB RAM: ""
- *InstalledMemory 60Meg/60 - 67 MB RAM: ""
- *InstalledMemory 68Meg/>= 68 MB RAM: ""
- *?InstalledMemory: "
- save
- currentsystemparams /RamSize get
- 524288 div ceiling cvi 2 div
- /size exch def
- size 68 ge
- {(68Meg)}
- {size 60 ge
- {(60Meg)}
- {size 52 ge
- {(52Meg)}
- {size 44 ge
- {(44Meg)}
- {(36Meg)}ifelse
- }ifelse
- }ifelse
- }ifelse = flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *InstalledMemory
- *CloseGroup: InstallableOptions
- *% =============================
- *% Emulations and Protocols
- *% =============================
- *Protocols: TBCP PJL
- *JCLBegin: "<1B>%-12345X@PJL JOB<0A>"
- *JCLEnd: "<1B>%-12345X@PJL EOJ <0A><1B>%-12345X"
- *Password: "()"
- *ExitServer: "
- count 0 eq
- { false } { true exch startjob } ifelse
- not {
- (WARNING: Cannot modify initial VM.) =
- (Missing or invalid password.) =
- (Please contact the author of this software.) = flush quit
- } if "
- *End
- *Reset: "
- count 0 eq
- { false } { true exch startjob } ifelse
- not {
- (WARNING: Cannot reset printer.) =
- (Missing or invalid password.) =
- (Please contact the author of this software.) = flush quit
- } if
- systemdict /quit get exec
- (WARNING : Printer Reset Failed.) = flush "
- *End
- *% ==============Constraints =================
- *% =================================
- *% Resolution and Appearance Control
- *% =================================
- *DefaultResolution: 300dpi
- *Resolution 300dpi: ""
- *?Resolution: "
- save
- currentpagedevice /HWResolution get
- 0 get
- ( ) cvs print
- (dpi)
- = flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *% =============Halftone Information ===============
- *ScreenFreq: "60.0"
- *ScreenAngle: "45.0"
- *DefaultTransfer: Null
- *Transfer Null: "{ }"
- *Transfer Null.Inverse: "{ 1 exch sub }"
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Color Model selection
- *% RGB: Sets color model to /DeviceRGB to get color output
- *% Drivers should consider this printer to be an RGB device
- *% since the printer should be only sent RGB commands
- *% Gray: Sets color model to /DeviceGray to get gray output
- *% This is sent down first.
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *ColorModel/Als Grauwerte drucken: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 20 AnySetup *ColorModel
- *DefaultColorModel: RGB
- *ColorModel RGB/Nein: "
- <</ProcessColorModel /DeviceRGB>> setpagedevice"
- *End
- *ColorModel Gray/Ja: "
- <</ProcessColorModel /DeviceGray>> setpagedevice"
- *End
- *?ColorModel: "
- save
- currentpagedevice /ProcessColorModel get
- 128 string cvs cvn /DeviceGray eq
- {(Gray)} {(RGB)} ifelse = flush
- restore "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *ColorModel
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% HPColorSmart selections; this is sent down
- *% after the manual selections.
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmart/ColorSmart: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 37 AnySetup *HPColorSmart
- *DefaultHPColorSmart: Auto
- *HPColorSmart Auto/Auto: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Vivid ColorSmartTextAdjustment } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Vivid ColorSmartGraphicsAdjustment } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { MatchScreen ColorSmartImageAdjustment } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Detail ColorSmartTextHalftone } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartGraphicsHalftone } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartImageHalftone } if
- /setscreen { pop pop pop } def
- /setcolorscreen { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- {true ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmart Manual/Manual: "
- /setscreen { pop pop pop } def
- /setcolorscreen { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- {true ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmart Pantone/Pantone<AE>: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { NoAdj ColorSmartTextAdjustment } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { NoAdj ColorSmartGraphicsAdjustment } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { NoAdj ColorSmartImageAdjustment } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartTextHalftone } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartGraphicsHalftone } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartImageHalftone } if
- /setscreen { pop pop pop } def
- /setcolorscreen { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- {true ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- "
- *HPColorSmart AllowApplicationHalftone/Aus: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { false ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmart
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Color treatment selections for Text
- *% Note: This section also turns on Color Smart
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmartText/ColorSmart-Text: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 31 AnySetup *HPColorSmartText
- *DefaultHPColorSmartText: Vivid
- *HPColorSmartText Vivid/Leuchtende Farben: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { true ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Vivid ColorSmartTextAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartText MatchScreen/Farbe ⁿber Drucker hinweg anpassen: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { true ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { MatchScreen ColorSmartTextAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartText NoAdjust/Keine Anpassung: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { true ColorSmartColorMatching } if
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { NoAdj ColorSmartTextAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmartText
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Color treatment selections for Graphics
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmartGraf/ColorSmart Grafiken: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 32 AnySetup *HPColorSmartGraf
- *DefaultHPColorSmartGraf: Vivid
- *HPColorSmartGraf Vivid/Leuchtende Farbe: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Vivid ColorSmartGraphicsAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartGraf MatchScreen/Farbe ⁿber Drucker hinweg anpassen: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { MatchScreen ColorSmartGraphicsAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartGraf NoAdjust/Keine Anpassung: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { NoAdj ColorSmartGraphicsAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmartGraf
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Color treatment selections for images
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmartImag/ColorSmart Photos: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 33 AnySetup *HPColorSmartImag
- *DefaultHPColorSmartImag: MatchScreen
- *HPColorSmartImag Vivid/Leuchtende Farbe: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Vivid ColorSmartImageAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartImag MatchScreen/Farbe ⁿber Drucker hinweg anpassen: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { MatchScreen ColorSmartImageAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartImag NoAdjust/Keine Anpassung: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { NoAdj ColorSmartImageAdjustment } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmartImag
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Text Halftoning selections
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmartTextHalftone/Textrasterung: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 34 AnySetup *HPColorSmartTextHalftone
- *DefaultHPColorSmartTextHalftone: Detail
- *HPColorSmartTextHalftone Detail/Detail: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Detail ColorSmartTextHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartTextHalftone Smooth/Gleichf÷rmig: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartTextHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartTextHalftone Basic/Grundlegend: "
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Basic ColorSmartTextHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmartTextHalftone
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Graphics Halftoning selections
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmartGrafHalftone/Grafikrasterung: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 35 AnySetup *HPColorSmartGrafHalftone
- *DefaultHPColorSmartGrafHalftone: Smooth
- *HPColorSmartGrafHalftone Detail/Detail:"
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Detail ColorSmartGraphicsHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartGrafHalftone Smooth/Gleichf÷rmig:"
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartGraphicsHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartGrafHalftone Basic/Grundlegend:"
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Basic ColorSmartGraphicsHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmartGrafHalftone
- *% *********************************************************************
- *% Images Halftoning selections
- *% *********************************************************************
- *OpenUI *HPColorSmartImagHalftone/Bildrasterung: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 36 AnySetup *HPColorSmartImagHalftone
- *DefaultHPColorSmartImagHalftone: Smooth
- *HPColorSmartImagHalftone Detail/Detail:"
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Detail ColorSmartImageHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartImagHalftone Smooth/Gleichf÷rmig:"
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Smooth ColorSmartImageHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *HPColorSmartImagHalftone Basic/Grundlegend:"
- globaldict /ColorSmartColorMatching known
- { Basic ColorSmartImageHalftone } if
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPColorSmartImagHalftone
- *% ==============Paper Handling ===================
- *% Use these entries to set paper size most of the time, unless there is
- *% specific reason to use PageRegion.
- *% =============================
- *% Media Selection/Paper Handling
- *% =============================
- *LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
- *VariablePaperSize: False
- *% Code which deals with Paper Handling policy
- *OpenUI *HPPaperPolicy/Regelung des Papierformats: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 29 AnySetup *HPPaperPolicy
- *DefaultHPPaperPolicy: Prompt User
- *HPPaperPolicy PromptUser/Benutzeraufforderung: "
- <</DeferredMediaSelection true>> setpagedevice"
- *End
- *HPPaperPolicy NearestSizeAdjust/NΣchstm÷gliche Gr÷▀e & anpassen: "
- <</DeferredMediaSelection false>> setpagedevice
- <</Policies << /PageSize 3 >> >> setpagedevice"
- *End
- *HPPaperPolicy NearestSizeNoAdjust/NΣchstm÷gliche Gr÷▀e & Keine Anpassung: "
- <</DeferredMediaSelection false>> setpagedevice
- <</Policies << /PageSize 5 >> >> setpagedevice"
- *End
- *CloseUI: *HPPaperPolicy
- *% Code in this section both selects a tray and sets up a frame buffer
- *OpenUI *PageSize/Mediengr÷▀e: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 30 AnySetup *PageSize
- *DefaultPageSize: A4
- *PageSize Letter/Letter: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [612 792] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageSize Legal/Legal: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [612 1008] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageSize Tabloid/Tabloid: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [792 1224] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageSize Executive/Executive: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [522 756] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageSize A3/A3: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [842 1191] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageSize A4/A4: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [595 842] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *?PageSize: "
- save
- currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop
- 2 copy gt {exch} if
- (Unknown)
- 6 dict
- dup [612 792] (Letter) put
- dup [612 1008] (Legal) put
- dup [792 1224] (Tabloid) put
- dup [522 756] (Executive) put
- dup [595 842] (A4) put
- dup [842 1191] (A3) put
- { exch aload pop 4 index sub abs 5 le exch
- 5 index sub abs 5 le and
- {exch pop exit} {pop} ifelse
- } bind forall
- = flush pop pop
- restore"
- *End
- *CloseUI: *PageSize
- *%====================Page Region===================
- *% These entries will set up the frame buffer. Usually used with manual feed.
- *OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 40 AnySetup *PageRegion
- *DefaultPageRegion: A4
- *PageRegion Letter/Letter: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [612 792] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageRegion Legal/Legal: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [612 1008] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageRegion Tabloid/Tabloid: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [792 1224] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageRegion Executive/Executive: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [522 756] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageRegion A3/A3: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [842 1191] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *PageRegion A4/A4: "
- 2 dict dup /PageSize [595 842] put dup /ImagingBBox null put setpagedevice"
- *End
- *CloseUI: *PageRegion
- *%===================Imageable Area=====================
- *% The following entries provide information about specific paper keywords.
- *DefaultImageableArea: A4
- *ImageableArea Letter/Letter: "11.28 12.00 601.19 779.02"
- *ImageableArea Legal/Legal: "10.32 10.80 600.71 997.17"
- *ImageableArea Tabloid/Tabloid: "12.00 11.28 779.02 1212.68"
- *ImageableArea Executive/Executive: "13.20 13.20 508.79 741.82"
- *ImageableArea A3/A3: "13.92 11.28 827.02 1179.57"
- *ImageableArea A4/A4: "12.96 13.92 581.27 827.02"
- *?ImageableArea: "
- save
- /cvp { ( ) cvs print ( ) print } bind def
- /upperright {10000 mul floor 10000 div} bind def
- /lowerleft {10000 mul ceiling 10000 div} bind def
- newpath clippath pathbbox
- 4 -2 roll exch 2 {lowerleft cvp} repeat
- exch 2 {upperright cvp} repeat flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *%====================Default Paper Dimension=================
- *% These provide the physical dimensions of the paper (by keyword)
- *DefaultPaperDimension: A4
- *PaperDimension Letter/Letter: "612 792"
- *PaperDimension Legal/Legal: "612 1008"
- *PaperDimension Tabloid/Tabloid: "792 1224"
- *PaperDimension Executive/Executive: "522 756"
- *PaperDimension A4/A4: "595 842"
- *PaperDimension A3/A3: "842 1191"
- *RequiresPageRegion Front: False
- *RequiresPageRegion Rear: True
- *RequiresPageRegion Manual: True
- *%=================Media Type============================
- *OpenUI *MediaType/Medientyp: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 50 AnySetup *MediaType
- *DefaultMediaType: Plain
- *MediaType Plain/Normales Papier: ""
- *%Removed HP Special Paper and HP Glossy invocation code.
- *MediaType Transparency/Folien / HP-Spezialpapier: ""
- *?MediaType: "
- save
- currentpagedevice /MediaType get
- dup null eq {pop (Unknown)} if
- = flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *MediaType
- *%==================Input Slot====================
- *OpenUI *InputSlot/Medienquelle: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 20 AnySetup *InputSlot
- *DefaultInputSlot: Front
- *InputSlot Auto/Automatische Auswahl: ""
- *InputSlot Front/Vorderes Fach: "
- <</DeferredMediaSelection true /MediaPosition 0 >> setpagedevice "
- *End
- *InputSlot Rear/Hinteres Fach: "
- <</DeferredMediaSelection true /MediaPosition 1 >> setpagedevice "
- *End
- *InputSlot Manual/Manuelle Papierzufuhr: "
- 1 dict dup /ManualFeed true put setpagedevice "
- *End
- *?InputSlot: "
- save
- currentpagedevice /ManualFeed get
- {(Manual)}
- {
- currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get
- /Priority get
- aload pop pop
- 0 eq {(Front)} {(Rear)} ifelse
- }ifelse = flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *InputSlot
- *%===============Output Order and Bin=================
- *OpenUI *OutputBin/Ausgabefach: PickOne
- *OrderDependency: 40 AnySetup *OutputBin
- *DefaultOutputBin: Upper
- *DefaultOutputOrder: Normal
- *PageStackOrder Upper: Normal
- *PageStackOrder Lower: Reverse
- *OutputBin Upper/Oberes : "1 dict dup /OutputFaceUp false put setpagedevice"
- *OutputBin Lower/Unteres : "1 dict dup /OutputFaceUp true put setpagedevice"
- *?OutputBin:"
- save
- currentpagedevice /OutputFaceUp get
- {(Lower)}{(Upper)}ifelse = flush
- restore
- "
- *End
- *CloseUI: *OutputBin
- *% =================Font Information ==================
- *DefaultFont: Courier
- *Font AvantGarde-Book: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font AvantGarde-BookOblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font AvantGarde-Demi: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font AvantGarde-DemiOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Bookman-Demi: Standard "(001.003S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Bookman-DemiItalic: Standard "(001.003S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Bookman-Light: Standard "(001.003S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Bookman-LightItalic: Standard "(001.003S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Courier: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Courier-Bold: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Courier-BoldOblique: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Courier-Oblique: Standard "(002.004S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-Narrow: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-Narrow-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Helvetica-Oblique: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Bold: Standard "(001.009S)" Standard ROM
- *Font NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Italic: Standard "(001.006S)" Standard ROM
- *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Roman: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Palatino-Bold: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Palatino-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Palatino-Italic: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Palatino-Roman: Standard "(001.005S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Symbol: Special "(001.007S)" Special ROM
- *Font Times-Bold: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Times-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.009S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Times-Italic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font Times-Roman: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font ZapfChancery-MediumItalic: Standard "(001.007S)" Standard ROM
- *Font ZapfDingbats: Special "(001.004S)" Special ROM
- *?FontQuery: "
- save
- { count 1 gt
- { exch dup 127 string cvs (/) print print (:) print
- /Font resourcestatus {pop pop (Yes)} {(No)} ifelse =
- } { exit } ifelse
- } bind loop
- (*) = flush
- restore "
- *End
- *?FontList: "
- save
- (*) {cvn ==} 128 string /Font resourceforall
- (*) = flush
- restore "
- *End
- *%==================Printer Error Messages===============
- *% Printer Messages (verbatim from printer):
- *Message: "%%[ exitserver: permanent state may be changed ]%%"
- *Message: "%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%"
- *Message: "\FontName\ not found, using Courier"
- *% Status (format: %%[ status: <one of these> ] %%)
- *Status: "idle"
- *Status: "busy"
- *Status: "waiting"
- *Status: "PrinterError: Out Of Paper"
- *Status: "PrinterError: Cover Open"
- *Status: "PrinterError: Feed Manual"
- *Status: "PrinterError: Paper Jam"
- *Status: "PrinterError: Miscellaneous Error"
- *Status: "PrinterError: Fatal Error"
- *% Input Sources (format: %%[ status: <stat>; source: <one of these> ]%%)
- *Source: "Serial"
- *Source: "LocalTalk"
- *Source: "Parallel"
- *Source: "OptionalIO"
- *% Printer Error (format: %%[ PrinterError: <one of these> ]%%)
- *PrinterError: "Out Of Paper"
- *PrinterError: "Cover Open"
- *PrinterError: "Feed Manual"
- *PrinterError: "Paper Jam"
- *PrinterError: "Miscellaneous Error"
- *PrinterError: "Fatal Error"
- *%============Color Separation Information ==============
- *DefaultColorSep: ProcessBlack.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi
- *InkName: ProcessBlack/Process Black
- *InkName: ProcessCyan/Process Cyan
- *InkName: ProcessMagenta/Process Magenta
- *InkName: ProcessYellow/Process Yellow
- *% For 60 lpi / 300 dpi ===============================
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "45"
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "15"
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "75"
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "0"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.60lpi.300dpi/60 lpi / 300 dpi: "60"
- *% For 53 lpi / 300 dpi ===============================
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "45.0"
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "71.5651"
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "18.4349"
- *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "0.0"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "53.033"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "47.4342"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "47.4342"
- *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.53lpi.300dpi/53 lpi / 300 dpi: "50.0"
- *% Last Edit 8/12/96 (tas)
- *% End of PPD file for HP Color LaserJet 5/5M PS 9X